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From the Archive to the Almanac

March 15, 2022
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Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead’s quote has been a driving force in my life and it has led me down so many twisting roads to new experiences, connections and—more often than not—a renewed sense of belonging.

In November 2021, I responded to an outreach made by Seth Godin in his daily blog post. Seth was looking for people to join “a group effort designed to create a print and digital document that fills the vital niche between the cutting edge and apathy.”

I figured it was a long shot, but maybe I could somehow be of value, given my experience with small group efforts. From raising money for (and then taking my family to build!) houses in Sri Lanka after the 2004 tsunami, to campaigning for town office in New York, if there’s a cause that needs me I show up.

Selected to be a contributor to The Carbon Almanac, I proposed and developed The Carbon Almanac’s Legal Resources for Sustainability section, which includes links to various legal resources and insights covering climate-related issues.

Included in this section is a sampling of organizations that have responded to the International Bar Association May 2020 climate crisis statement detailing actions that lawyers could take to combat the emergency. 

Leading the Legal Resources for Sustainability section is LexBlog’s Climate Change Legal Blog Archive, an aggregation of legal blog posts, podcasts and videos offering information and insight on climate change law and climate litigation.

The Climate Change Legal Blog Archive is made possible by LexBlog’s Syndication Portal product, which automatically brings this digital material (blogs, podcasts and videos), across multiple sources and platforms together, into one dynamic publication. The digital content is aggregated and curated in the Open Legal Blog Archive (OLBA). 

Backed by LexBlog, OLBA is a centralized database of all worldwide credible legal blog posts, authors and metadata, and is accessible via the web, RSS and an API. OLBA’s aggregation of credible legal blogs leads to relevant niche sites on critical and timely issues, such as climate change. 

More than a book or a website, The Carbon Almanac is the basis for a global movement to fight climate change. The Carbon Almanac is a collaboration between hundreds of writers, researchers, thinkers and illustrators.

Using cartoons, quotes, illustrations, tables, histories, and articles to lay out over 1,000 data points detailing carbon’s impact on everything in our world: our food system, ocean acidity, agriculture, energy, biodiversity, extreme weather events, the economy and human health.

The resulting print and digital document will be released on June 21, 2022. 

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